x-posted from the facebook page for frank kelso wolfe from october 2018, as an update after the fourth annual memoral open mic for our favorite poet-artist-comedian-greatfriend.
thank you to everyone who was a part of the fourth annual memorial open mic for frank wolfe, including emily neblock for hosting. since i couldn't be there, i'd
love to hear your favorite parts, any special moments or words that
stood out to you, etc. what did you enjoy most about it? — poetry with jennifer hetrick.
& we donated my favorite-ever painting by frank to steel city coffeehouse,
as some of you know; it was hard to give up the canvas, but i knew its
vacuum and poultry persuasion needed to be in frank's favorite coffee
shop instead of my home; emily called me to clear it with me that night.
i am so glad it was voted as the one to offer as a permanent wall